
Friday, August 13, 2010

Put AdSense ads where you want to blogger!

ahmed toma(mada145) @ 6:31 PM

1 - Traditional methods to put AdSense.
And be an advertisement of the list box in the AdSense side or above the post. As well as and be placed under post. And here you will not need to go to the Google AdSense ad code to generate the process is available from the Control Panel your blog in blogger.

Adsense in the side menu boxes

Adsense under the body of entry

Referred to so far is a truism in the blogger, and will exploit the time of the passage of the heart of the matter.

2 - Develop AdSense ads under the title of the topic.
Can modify the template to show AdSense traditional methods below the title but here I will not go to, as that developed by normal useful as well. And I am including the possibility to win the other two is instead of one.

First: You need to enter your account at adsense and then create a new ad, and copy the code generator, and turn it through this tool so as not to Iatrdk error in formatting when planting code in the template. 
Secondly: go to the Edit page html, save a backup copy of the template and then check the box expand templates. And look for this code.
Directly above it (him) put the AdSense ad code. Then save the template.
If you want to show AdSense Ads in the thread page and not on the main simply that his code.

Here put AdSense Ads Code.
3 - Place ads AdSense central topic.
Go to the Edit Html page and of course save a copy of the template Ahtiatiip, check the box expand the templates and look for this code (if it is meant eemaan 2).
Select and replace this code.

 AdSense code ->

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